At Elite Pet Distributors, we believe that pets deserve safe and healthy treats. That's why we carefully select our products from top-quality brands, ensuring that each treat is made with natural and wholesome ingredients.
Bark Bistro Bangin Bacon BUDDY BUDDER is a 100% natural peanut butter treat made in the USA for your pup! This 17oz jar contains added nutritional benefits that make it...
Bark Bistro's Barking Banana BUDDY BUDDER is a 100% natural peanut butter treat made in the USA for your pup! This 17oz jar contains added nutritional benefits that make it the...
Bark Bistro's Beef Broth BUDDY BUDDER is a 100% natural peanut butter treat made in the USA for your pup! This 17oz jar contains added nutritional benefits that make it...
Bark Bistro's Birthday Bash BUDDY BUDDER is a 100% natural peanut butter treat made in the USA for your pup! This 17oz jar contains added nutritional benefits that make it...
Bark Bistro's Chicken Collagen BUDDY BUDDER is a 100% natural peanut butter treat made in the USA for your pup! This 17oz jar contains added nutritional benefits that make it...
Bark Bistro's Pumpkin Pup BUDDY BUDDER is a 100% natural peanut butter treat made in the USA for your pup! This 17oz jar contains added nutritional benefits that make it...
Treat your dog with Bocce's Bakery Quack, Quack, Quack Training Treats. Our bite-sized tasty duck and blueberry snacks are sure to be a hit with your dog! These chewy treats...
Fun flavored treats to keep your dog smiling all summer long! Bocce’s Bakery Poolside Treats are all-natural dog biscuits made with a wheat-free recipe and taste just as yummy as...
Bocce's Bakery Mud Pie Oh My Crunchy Biscuits are oven-baked in the USA with all-natural, locally sourced ingredients and contain just four calories per treat for a guilt-free reward. They are...
These soft-baked 'B's are every doggy's favorite - from puppies, to picky eaters, to seniors with sensitive mouths, too! We baked a softer cookie with limited ingredients and all-natural preservatives...
Bocce's Bakery Say Moo Training Treats are perfectly sized training bites to reward all those sitting pups, those Instagram posing mutts, and the slightly naughtier puppies who need a little...
A Birthday Cake your dog can enjoy! Bocce’s Bakery Birthday Cake Treats are all-natural dog biscuits made with locally-sourced ingredients and a wheat-free recipe. This sweet treat is perfect for...
Upgrade treat time by rewarding your canine companion with Bocce’s Bakery Soft & Chewy Cheese Recipe Dog Treats. These limited-ingredient goodies are oven-baked in the USA with real, recognizable ingredients...
Bonehead® is a chew accessory that is specifically engineered to work with Himalayan Dog Chew®, but it can hold lots of other chews too, from bully sticks to carrots. It’s...
Carrot Cake Cookies smell and taste great, with mouthwatering flavors of coconut, sweet potato, and carrots. Our oven baked cookies are packed with nutrient rich ingredients and wholesome goodness for...
Himalayan Dog Chew® is the original® long lasting, hard smoked cheese chew. It was created from an ancient recipe and made using traditional methods with yak and/or cow milk. Dogs...