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It all began with a unique wedding gift to Harriet from Richard in 1981, a pedigreed Abyssinian named “Baby Ruth”. This gift would bring them joy and many more kittens like her. One of Ruth’s first born, “Almond Joy,” who was a stunning red Abyssinian, introduced Harriet to the world of Cat Shows.  Almond Joy went on to become a Grand Champion and was awarded “Distinguished Merit” by the Cat Fanciers Association for producing five Grand Champions of her own. The seeds of Go Cat Feather Toys had been planted.
While at this time, (mid 80’s) there were very few interactive toy for cats on the market, Harriet began to make “feathers on a stick” for her own cats as well as for friends at cat shows.  When vendors and local pet store owners started asking to buy these toys, it became obvious that Harriet and Richard would be launching a new career. Richard, Harriet, and son Will began making toys as fast as they could, developing new variations as they went along. It became apparent that they could not keep up with the demand and started recruiting friends and neighbors to help. About this time Harriet and Richard had an “Eureka” moment….they borrowed an idea that Fishermen had used for years; that a swivel and the right feathers would twirl under water! Harriet and Richard took it to the AIR and Da’ Bird was born. 

Go Cat (35)

Go Cat Kitty Kopter Cat Toy, Throw Toy with Feathers That Spins in The Air


Go Cat Long Peacock Sparkler: 36" Cat Toy Teaser Wand


Go Cat Long Sparkling Kitty Duster 36" Cat Toy Teaser
